R. Kelly Writes Song for Virginia Tech Victims

Can someone please arrest R. Kelly?  My boy DJ Black Adam wrote a post about his new venture: writing a song for the victims of the VA Tech shooting.

R. Kelly is another person that I for the life of me will not understand why we as black people keep giving a pass.  This man has serious problems with woman and under-aged girls.  no matter if he is the one in the video or not, he has past history of misconduct with black woman; and lets not forget he married Aalyiah when she was 16!!  But as long as he keeps us dancing, “Steppin in the Name of Love”  he keeps lining his pockets with green at the expense of our black girls and women.  If I was a student at VA Tech, I would give him a big thanks, but no thanks…..

8 Responses

  1. Sure he has woman issues. But Trapped in the Closet…

  2. Man, I thought I was the only one tired of Kels and all the people who seem to always need to defend him with “That girls parents allowed it” or the famous “Well them 14 year old girls is fast”.

    Sad thing, he probobly will skate.

  3. DJ Black Adam:

    Hell no your not the only one who can’t stand R Kelly lol. I get into heated debates with black folk at parties and gathering all the time when it comes to R Kelly. When he first was arrested in Chicago I was pissed off that all of those ignorant black people were protesting in front of the jail chanting: “Free R Kelly” people had their children with them like they were fighting to get Nelson Mandela out of jail; but I bet you couldn’t get those same black folk to the voting polls.. I tell you sometimes I just get so frustrated with my people sometimes.

  4. R. Kelly should probably be in prison, but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a great entertainer.

  5. I find it interesting how many people say that he is a great entertainer, as if that overrides the fact that he has issues with woman, and more important, underaged girls. I could care less about how talented he is.

  6. @ Native

    mark bey: Thank you for saying the obvious.

  7. Matt, that should actually read, “R.Kelly is a great entertainer, but that doesn’t change the fact that he probably should be in prison.” And with one change you go from ignorant excuse-maker to “in touch with reality.”

  8. nativeson — great post! and i agree with your standpoint about the irrelevance of him being a great entertainer. why are we continually closing ranks with people who most likely committed crimes??? i dont care either how talented he was or whatever. he married aaliyah when she was 15 and now that girl? not to mention the lyrics in his songs which i personally think demean black women. he is a twat regardless of how you move to his songs in the club. singing is not more important than social welfare.

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