Young Men with Purpose

I have started a mentoring program at Parkdale High School and am in need of young professional black men who want to give back.  This is a group mentoring effort. The program will take 15-20 students for 2 years.  The program will focus on study skills, college prep, politics and African American History.  If you know anyone who is interested please email me at 


First mentoring session…..

Well I had my first mentor session at Parkdale High School yesterday, and not student showed up.  I was kind of disappointed but I will take part of the blame, because I did not follow through and make sure that the staff were promoting my program. 

To correct this problem I asked the parent liaison to email a description of my program to the guidance staff so they could recommend students.  I am also going to create flyers so she can hang them up around the school. 

My Mentor Blog

This has been a long struggle but I am finally making progress with my mentor initiative. I am going to use this blog as a journal on the progress of the program; more information to come.  I have added a category “My Mentoring Program” on the side bar.

Sometimes I get so frustrated.  I look at what’s going on in the world and how our black youth are failing.  I wanted to form a mentor program that would equip black male high school students  with the skills and knowledge to grow into socially conscience adults. 

People have asked me why I haven’t joined an existing program.   The answer; I want to form my own organization.  I applaud organizations like Concerned Black Men, and 100 Black Men because they are doing their thing; but I feel the need to form my own group.

The name of my program is Young Men with PurposeAt the moment I am running the program out of Parkdale High School.  It is my intent to turn this into a non-prof and run with it.  I am open to suggestions and looking for othe young brothers who may be interested in helping; I’m all ears.

 Native Son