18 million unregistered African American voters

Folks we have to get it together.  Our vote does count.  It may not seem like it sometimes but 18 million black folk who are not registered is a crying shame.  I don’t know what it is going to take for our people to get the point.  I pulled this audio clip of R&B singer Jo.  Jo was not registered to vote.  Even though he is an Obama supporter he thought that since Obama was getting so much attention that ‘everyone’ else would push Obama over the top.  

It took everything in my soul not to scream at the top of my lungs.  I love this brotha’s music but he is very ignorant.  I am glad that Tom Joyner got him to register and vote.  This brotha didn’t even know when election day was.  Folks we have to do better!!!!  We have to remember that our ancestors fought and died for us to have the right to vote!!!!

Listen to Jo on the Tom Joyner Morning show 

Flava Flav: Modern day Stepin Fetchit

After great ratings on VH-1’s “Flava of Love” networks have given him a show called Under One Roof.  Flava Flav plays an ex-con who goes to live with his rich brother; sounds familiar?  It may from the surface, but Fresh Prince of Bel Air had a great story line and was balanced. 

I will go out on a limb and say that this show will be nothing short of coon-tastic entertainment.  I am using Flava of Love as my premise for making these statements.  As a matter of fact, the LA Times says that the show makes other ethnicities look stupid as well; still doesn’t make it right. 

Prosecutors in R. Kelly Case have new evidence of other crimes

Please throw this fool in jail.  This has gone on too long and I am tired of people supporting this man and making music with him as if they don’t know he has a problem with under-aged girls.

Kanye West….

Just when you start to have an ounce of compassion for Kanye because of the death of his mother, he opens his big mouth.  Did anyone hear his speech tonight?  He has to be one of the most immature self-centered ignorant artists out there.  And what was he trying to say about Common?  That maybe Common would have won the grammy if his CD did not drop in the same year as his?  It is obvious that he got his arrogance from his parental units (rest in peace to his mother)  but I read some things she said about him a couple of years ago and it was obvious where he got it from…..

I am so glad that Herbie Hancock won Best Album tonight.  Herbie has been around for a long time and is an awesome musician.  I am sure Kanye is pissed right about now….lol

A deeper look into Bob Johnson’s Hypocrisy

This article is on point.  Davey D put it out there on Bob Johnson’s recent comments he made about Obama at church function in support of Clinton.  We all know that Bob Johnson made a fortune off of exploiting people of color.  The sad part about it is he thinks we don’t know….

The Hypocrisy of BET’s Bob Johnson’s Obama Smears


Say what you want about her, but Oprah is the beast.  Congrats on her new cable Network

Oprah Winfrey Network

Maryland Pastor Protests BET Honors

Pastor Coatestakes it to the streets on BET.  I am not mad at him at all.  Those who read my blog knows how I feel about BET.  I have heard many arguments defending BET. Some people say that founder Bob Johnson is a business man not a community leader.  Some people say that if Bob Johnson hadn’t done it, then someone else would.  The excuses go on and on. 

The point is Bob Johnson started with a great concept and idea back in the 80s and at the end, he choose to make money as a business man at the expense of marginalizing his own people.  Then he sold the company and became a billionaire!  Way to go Bob!

State of New York Strikes Back

BK State Assembly Hakeem Jeffries is not playing with Nas.  He is not sitting back complaining, he is taking action by attempting to hit record companies in the pocket.  That is how you get America to listen; you take away the money.  Nas just doesn’t get it.  And apparently Saul Williams is trying to get in on the issue as well.

In related news, poet Saul Williams may join Nas as a target of protest with the announcement of his upcoming album title, “The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!,” produced by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and mixed by Alan Moulder.

I have seen and heard Saul perform before and he is a cool brotha, but I am not sure what he is trying to do here.  I guess people will say that we should wait and hear Nas’s CD and Saul’s CD before pass judgement, but unless one of friends buys one these works, I will never hear it.

Why do we see no wrong in underestimating, undervaluing and marginalizing ourselves?

T.I. released on bond

You know as I watched video footage of Gernalow Wilson being released from prison today, I released there was no supporters there other then his attorney, mom and baby sister.  No crowds of support; nothing.

Then I read that T.I. (Rapper T.I. released on $3 million bond) is released on bond for his alleged crimes which if found guilty could land him in prison for up to 10 years, and here who was outside of the court house waiting for him. (T.I. release photos)

The majority of people wearing “Free T.I.” tee-shirts and waiting to get a glimpse appeared to be black youth.  One woman has a toddler outside (see picture 2)  A toddler in front of the court house; are you kidding me?   They were smiling and rejoicing; where are these kid’s parents?? Oh wait a minute, some of the people outside the courthouse along with the kids look like they may be the parents……

Some people like Nelly and T.I., said that it is up to parents to raise their kids not Hip-Hop.  But if the popular Hip-Hop artist of today keep acting like thugs in their personal lives; which then spills over into their music, then we need to take their advice and stop supporting them!!

I have read so many hip-hop blogs where folks are saying that T.I. was set-up.  Let’s see your an ex-felon and not only do the Feds find guns in the car you were driving in, but they find guns in your house.  T.I.’s people claim that the guns belong to his bodygurads that live him.  So where are the registrations for these guns? 

Who in the hell needs bodyguards with a mini arsonal ?  If someone is after T.I. that hard, then has serious problems, and rapping should be the least of your concerns.

Some of us will continue to support some of these artist who are trying to balance professional legal careers with the life of the hood; and we will be there in front of the jail houses with our “Free X” T-shirts on over and over again, until we learn how to stop marginalizing ourselves.  I am sure I will get some negative comments from people about this so bring it….

50 Cent and other hip-hop artist sound off on T.I. arrest

This article speaks for itself.   I have never been a fan of 50 Cent.  It is so clear that this guys have been bought and paid for; in full.  And as for Akon; he is just ignorant all the way around; sorry folks…. 

I had respect for David Banner because he does a lot of the his community and the youth; but when you make songs about snitching, it cancels out the good you are doing.  You have all of these inner city kids that look up to you and now Banner makes an underground track that talks about the T.I. incident and talks about the consequences of snitching; real smart Banner real smart.  It’s all cultural conditioning folks; we have been conditioned to underestimate, undervalue and marginalize ourselves.